Risks and technical debt

As discussed in our Decision Record, we have chosen to use Django, PostgreSQL, and Docker for the Seedcase framework. Even though we have deemed these technologies the most suitable for our products, they include technical debt and risks, which will be discussed below.

Technical debt

Django Framework

The Django Framework is a popular web framework for building web applications in Python. Although the framework provides many benefits, there are several areas where technical debt has accumulated.

  • Outdated dependencies: The Seedcase framework is currently using outdated versions of some Django dependencies, which can lead to security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues.
  • Unoptimized database queries: The Seedcase framework is making inefficient database queries, which can lead to slower performance and increased server load.
  • Poorly organized code: Some parts of the codebase are poorly organized, making it difficult to maintain and update the application.

To address these issues, the following strategies are recommended:

todo: Not clear, are these things we need to do? How?

  • Update dependencies: The team should update the dependencies to the latest versions, making sure to test for compatibility issues.
  • Optimize database queries: The team should review the application’s database queries and identify areas for optimization, such as reducing the number of queries or improving indexing.

Django REST API Framework

The Django REST API Framework is a powerful tool for building RESTful APIs in Django. However, there are several areas where technical debt has accumulated:

  • Some poorly documented endpoints: Some endpoints are poorly documented, making it difficult for developers to use them effectively.
  • Inconsistent authentication: The application uses inconsistent authentication mechanisms, making it difficult to ensure the security of the API.

To address these issues, the following strategies are recommended:

  • Improve endpoint documentation: The team should review the API endpoints and update the documentation to make it more complete and accurate.
  • Standardize authentication: The team should standardize the authentication mechanisms used by the API, making sure to use best practices for security.

PostgreSQL Database

The PostgreSQL database is a powerful open-source database that provides many benefits. However, there are some areas where technical debt has accumulated, primarily regarding situations where a large number of transactions are happening at the same time. These should not impact Seedcase products. Technical debt is more likely to arise over time, as the database is being built.

To address these issues, the following strategies are recommended:

  • A standard for naming components in the database should be identified and followed.
  • All code should be documented.
  • Commenting should be employed directly in the code where a script depends on another.
  • It should be considered whether or not it would be useful to force key relationships between entities to minimise the risk of orphan data.

Technical Risks

Docker Framework

The Docker Framework presents several technical risks, including:

  • Security vulnerabilities: Docker images can contain security vulnerabilities, such as outdated dependencies or misconfigured settings, that can be exploited by attackers.
  • Misconfigured containers: Misconfigured containers can expose sensitive data or provide unauthorized access to the host system.

To mitigate these risks, the following strategies are recommended:

  • Use security hardened Docker images: The team should use Docker images from trusted sources, such as official repositories or reputable vendors, remove all unused services and close all unused ports.
  • Implement container security best practices: The team should implement container security best practices, such as restricting network access and using minimal and hardened container images.
  • Simplify the infrastructure: The team should simplify the infrastructure by reducing the number of containers and optimizing their configurations.

Django Framework

The Django Framework presents several technical risks, including:

  • SQL injection attacks: The application may be vulnerable to SQL injection attacks if user input is not properly validated.
  • Insufficient logging and monitoring: The application may not be properly logging and monitoring user activities, making it difficult to detect and respond to security incidents.

To mitigate these risks, the following strategies are recommended:

  • Implement input validation and sanitization: The team should implement input validation and sanitization to prevent XSS and SQL injection attacks.
  • Implement logging and monitoring: The team should implement logging and monitoring mechanisms to track user activities and detect security incidents.
  • Regularly perform security audits: The team should regularly perform security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Django REST API Framework

The Django REST API Framework presents several technical risks, including:

  • Insecure authentication and authorization: The application may use insecure authentication and authorization mechanisms, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive data.
  • Insufficient access controls: The application may not have sufficient access controls, allowing unauthorized users to access sensitive data.

To mitigate these risks, the following strategies are recommended:

  • Use secure authentication and authorization mechanisms: The team should use secure authentication and authorization mechanisms. See the Security page for concrete recommendations.
  • Implement access controls: The team should implement access controls to restrict access to sensitive data and functions.


Frontend presents several technical risks, including:

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks: The application may be vulnerable to XSS attacks if user input is not properly sanitized.
  • Code injection attacks: The application may be vulnerable to code injection attacks if user input is not properly validated.

To mitigate these risks, the following strategies are recommended:

  • Implement input validation and sanitization: The team should implement input validation and sanitization to prevent XSS and code injection attacks.
  • Use secure communication protocols: The team should use secure communication protocols, such as HTTPS, to prevent MITM attacks.
  • Regularly perform security audits: The team should regularly perform security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.