

🚧 This section is still in active development and is subject to changes 🚧

This document lists organizational and political/legal constraints that we must consider when developing software for the Seedcase Project.

The main “philosophical” and value-based constraints are described in the Values and principles section. These form the basis for all other decisions and designs. Some of those constraints are summarized below.

Organizational constraints

Organizational constraints we need to consider for Seedcase software.
Constraints Background/Motivation
Time schedule Funding is until end of ~2027
Resources Currently only have a fixed set of funds
Small team Only have 4-5 people on team, ~3 who are full-time
Limited knowledge/skill support Data/software engineering is not common in research environments, so local knowledge/skills are limited

Political/legal constraints

Political/legal constraints we need to consider for Seedcase software.
Constraints Background/Motivation
Use open source license For both practical and philosophical reasons, we will license Seedcase with an open license
Need endorsement from legal and IT They have broad institutional influence, so at least having some support is vital