System Context and Scope


🚧 This section is still in active development and is subject to changes 🚧

This section establishes the system boundaries of the Seedcase framework and situates the framework in its operational context by describing its potential human and computer communication partners. Human communication partners are grouped into user roles which are broadly applicable to the entire Seedcase framework. For a detailed discussion of these user roles, see User Requirements. Whether any computer communication partners are present for a particular Seedcase installation depends on the specific needs or requirements of the Data Resource managed by Seedcase.

The diagram below illustrates the interaction and the direction of information flow between the Seedcase framework and its communication partners.

C4 Context diagram showing users and external systems that communicate with the Seedcase framework.

The table below indicates, in very general terms, the nature of the messages exchanged between the Seedcase framework and its communication partners. Input messages are sent by a communication partner to the Seedcase framework, while output messages are sent by the framework to a communication partner.

Human communication partners and messages
Communication partner Input Output
Data Contributor data data validation, upload confirmation
Data Requester data search terms, data project request metadata, data extract
Administrator user, project and data management actions validation, confirmation
External User project search terms data project information and findings
Computer communication partners and messages
Communication partner Input Output
External Secure Server - data extract

For more information about the data input formats we expect to handle, see Expected Type of Input Data.